TestNG Interview Questions and Answers

TestNG Interview Questions and Answers

We are listing 50 testng interview questions and answers in this post. If any important question is missed from our side please add it in the comment. we will update our post accordingly

What is TestNG?

TestNG is a Java-based testing framework used for writing and executing test cases for a variety of applications, including those written in Java. It provides a flexible and powerful way to write tests, which can be organized into test suites, and can be run in parallel for improved performance. TestNG also provides a number of advanced features, such as data-driven testing, testing of parameters, and configuration through XML files.

What are the advantages of using TestNG?

Advantages of using TestNG:

Easy to use: TestNG has a simple and user-friendly API that makes it easy to write tests.

Supports multiple testing styles: TestNG supports a variety of testing styles including unit, functional, integration, and end-to-end testing.

TestNG provides advanced test configuration: It supports flexible test configuration options, including test groups, parameters, and data-driven testing.

Integration with CI/CD tools: TestNG integrates easily with popular CI/CD tools such as Jenkins and Maven, making it easy to automate testing and report results.

Supports parallel testing: TestNG provides support for parallel testing, allowing tests to run simultaneously and reducing the total test execution time.

TestNG provides detailed test reports: It generates detailed test reports that provide insights into test execution, including test execution times, results, and stack traces.

Flexible test execution order: TestNG allows users to specify the order in which tests should be executed, making it possible to run dependent tests in a specific order.

What is the difference between TestNG and JUnit?

TestNG and JUnit are two popular Java testing frameworks. They are used for testing Java applications and are both open-source. Here are some differences between the two:

Annotation: TestNG uses more advanced annotations such as @DataProvider, @Factory, and @Listeners which make it easier to manage test cases. JUnit, on the other hand, only has basic annotations like @Test, @Before, and @After.

Test Configuration: TestNG has a better way of configuring tests, with XML configuration files, while JUnit relies on annotations and hard-coded parameters.

Test Prioritization: TestNG allows you to prioritize your tests so that they run in a specific order. JUnit does not have this feature.

Test Grouping: TestNG supports test grouping and enables you to run tests based on groups. JUnit does not support this feature.

Test Reports: TestNG generates more comprehensive and detailed reports than JUnit.

Test Suites: TestNG provides more control over test suites, allowing you to run multiple tests in a single test suite. JUnit does not have this feature.

In conclusion, TestNG offers more advanced features and greater control over your tests compared to JUnit, making it the preferred choice for large-scale applications.

Can you explain the basic structure of a TestNG test case?

TestNG test cases have the following basic structure:

Annotation: The first line of a TestNG test case is an annotation that defines the method as a test case. The most commonly used annotation is @Test.

Method signature: The method signature defines the name of the test case, any parameters it requires, and its return type.

Setup: This section of the test case sets up any necessary resources, such as test data, before the test case is run.

Execution: The execution section is where the actual testing is performed. It is the core of the test case and where the logic and assertions are placed to determine if the test case has passed or failed.

Tear down: This section of the test case cleans up any resources used during the test case execution.

Assertions: Assertions are statements that are used to validate the expected outcome of the test case. If an assertion fails, the test case will be marked as failed.


import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class TestCaseExample {

public void testCase1() {
// Setup
int a = 10;
int b = 20;

// Execution
int result = a + b;

// Tear down
// No resources to cleanup

// Assertions
assert result == 30 : "Expected 30 but got " + result;


How do you configure TestNG?

To configure TestNG, follow these steps:

Download and Install TestNG: To get started with TestNG, you first need to download and install it. You can download the latest version of TestNG from the official website (http://testng.org/doc/download.html).

Set up TestNG in Eclipse: To set up TestNG in Eclipse, you need to install the TestNG plugin. Go to the Help menu in Eclipse, select Install New Software, and then add the TestNG update site.

Create a TestNG Project: To create a TestNG project, go to the File menu in Eclipse, select New, and then select Project. Select TestNG in the left-hand menu, and then click Next.

Write your Test Cases: Once you have created your TestNG project, you can start writing your test cases. To do this, you will need to create a Java class and annotate it with the @Test annotation.

Run your Test Cases: To run your test cases, right-click on the class file that contains your test cases and select Run As > TestNG Test.

Configure TestNG XML file: TestNG provides a powerful way to organize and run your test cases using an XML file. To create a TestNG XML file, you need to right-click on the project and select New > TestNG XML File.

Run your TestNG XML file: To run your TestNG XML file, right-click on the XML file and select Run As > TestNG Suite.

By following these steps, you can easily configure TestNG and start writing and running your test cases.

How does TestNG support data-driven testing?

TestNG supports data-driven testing through the use of data providers. Data providers are methods that return data in the form of arrays or collections, which can then be used to feed test cases. In TestNG, you can define data providers with the @DataProvider annotation, which specifies the data source for the test case. The data provider method is then called before the test case, passing the data to the test case as arguments.

For example, suppose you have a test case that tests a login functionality. You can define a data provider that returns an array of username and password combinations, and then use this data to run the test case multiple times with different data inputs.

public Object[][] loginData() {
return new Object[][] {
{"user1", "password1"},
{"user2", "password2"},
{"user3", "password3"}

public void testLogin(String username, String password) {
// code to run the test case with the provided username and password

With this setup, the testLogin method will be run three times, once for each set of data from the data provider. This allows for easy testing with multiple data inputs, making it possible to test the login functionality with a variety of user accounts.

Can you explain the @Test annotation in TestNG?

The @Test annotation in TestNG is a way to define a test case in a TestNG test suite. The @Test annotation indicates that a particular method should be run as a test case. The method is executed by the test runner and the results of the test are recorded.

The basic syntax of the @Test annotation is as follows:

public void testMethod() {
//test logic

The @Test annotation can also be used with various parameters to configure the test case. For example, the “priority” parameter can be used to specify the order in which test cases should be run. The “expectedExceptions” parameter can be used to specify the type of exception that is expected to be thrown by the test case.

In summary, the @Test annotation in TestNG is a way to define and configure test cases in a TestNG test suite.

What is the use of the @BeforeMethod and @AfterMethod annotations in TestNG?

The @BeforeMethod and @AfterMethod annotations in TestNG are used to set up and clean up test methods respectively.

The @BeforeMethod annotation is used to specify a method that should run before each test method in the test class. It is used to initialize test resources such as database connections, setting up data, etc. This method is executed before every test method and provides a clean slate for each test run.

The @AfterMethod annotation is used to specify a method that should run after each test method in the test class. This method is used to clean up resources and to restore the system to its initial state after each test run. It helps to ensure that tests do not interfere with one another and that the environment remains consistent throughout the test suite.

Together, these annotations provide a way to ensure that the test environment is properly set up and torn down before and after each test, which helps to prevent errors and improve the reliability of test results.

Can you explain the @BeforeClass and @AfterClass annotations in TestNG?

@BeforeClass and @AfterClass are annotations in TestNG that are used to execute methods before and after all the tests in a test class.

@BeforeClass is used to set up any resources required for all the tests in the class. For example, initializing a database connection or opening a file. This method is executed once before all the tests in the class are executed.

@AfterClass is used to clean up any resources created during the execution of the tests. For example, closing a database connection or deleting a file. This method is executed once after all the tests in the class are completed.

It is important to note that the methods annotated with @BeforeClass and @AfterClass must be static in order to be executed by TestNG.

What is the use of the @BeforeSuite and @AfterSuite annotations in TestNG?

The @BeforeSuite and @AfterSuite annotations in TestNG are used to run methods before and after all the test cases in a suite.

@BeforeSuite: This annotation is used to run a method before any of the test cases are run in a TestNG suite. It is typically used to set up the test environment, such as setting up database connections, loading configurations, and initializing test data.

@AfterSuite: This annotation is used to run a method after all the test cases in a TestNG suite have completed. It is typically used to clean up the test environment, such as closing database connections, freeing resources, and logging test results.

These annotations are useful in setting up and cleaning up the test environment for a suite of test cases and can improve the overall efficiency of test execution.

Can you explain the @DataProvider annotation in TestNG?

The @DataProvider annotation in TestNG is used to specify a method that provides data to a test method. The data provider method is used to supply multiple sets of test data to a test method. This allows a test method to be executed multiple times with different data sets.

The data provider method should return a two-dimensional object array, where each row of the array represents a set of test data and each column represents a specific data item. The data provider method is identified by the @DataProvider annotation and is associated with the test method using the dataProvider attribute in the @Test annotation.

For example, consider the following code:

public static Object[][] testData() {
return new Object[][] {
{1, "one"},
{2, "two"},
{3, "three"}
public void testMethod(int number, String string) {
// test logic goes here

In this example, the testMethod will be executed three times, once for each set of test data provided by the testData data provider method. The values of the number and string parameters will be set to the values from each row of the array returned by the data provider method.

What is the use of the @Factory annotation in TestNG?

The @Factory annotation in TestNG is used to create a test class instance for each set of data that is provided in a data provider. It acts as a factory for creating test cases dynamically at runtime.

The following example demonstrates the use of the @Factory annotation.

public class FactoryExample {
private int param;

@Factory(dataProvider = "dataMethod")
public FactoryExample(int param) {
this.param = param;

public void testMethodOne() {
System.out.println("Test method one output: " + param);

public static Object[][] dataMethod() {
return new Object[][] { { 0 }, { 1 } };

In this example, the @Factory annotation is used to create two test cases, one for each data set provided in the dataMethod. The test cases are created by instantiating the FactoryExample class with each data set, and the testMethodOne method is executed for each instance.

Can you explain the @Listeners annotation in TestNG?

The @Listeners annotation in TestNG is used to specify custom listeners for the test class. Listeners in TestNG are objects that listen to the events and perform certain actions based on those events.

TestNG listeners are useful in tracking the execution status of test cases. For example, we can create a custom listener to log test cases execution status, take screenshots on test failure, or even send an email notification when a test is completed.

Here is an example of using @Listeners annotation:

import org.testng.annotations.Listeners;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class TestExample {

public void testCase1() {
// Test code here

public void testCase2() {
// Test code here


In the example, we have specified the custom listener “CustomListener.class” for the test class “TestExample”. Now all the test cases in the class will be executed by the custom listener.

What is the difference between @BeforeSuite and @BeforeTest annotations in TestNG?

@BeforeSuite: This annotation is used to indicate a method that needs to be run before the entire test suite starts. It runs only once before all the test cases in the suite. The method annotated with @BeforeSuite runs only once for the entire test suite, and it is usually used to perform set-up operations that need to be done only once for the entire test suite.


public void setUpSuite() {
// Perform set-up operations
System.out.println("@BeforeSuite - Setting up the suite");

@BeforeTest: This annotation is used to indicate a method that needs to be run before each test case starts. It runs before each test case in the suite. The method annotated with @BeforeTest runs before each test in the suite, and it is usually used to perform set-up operations that need to be done before each test.


public void setUpTest() {
// Perform set-up operations
System.out.println("@BeforeTest - Setting up the test");

In conclusion, the main difference between @BeforeSuite and @BeforeTest is that the former runs once for the entire test suite, while the latter runs before each test in the suite.

Can you explain the @Test(priority=) annotation in TestNG?

The @Test(priority=) annotation in TestNG is used to assign a priority to a test method. The priority of a test method determines the order in which test methods are executed within a test class. A test method with a lower priority value is executed before a test method with a higher priority value.

For example, if we have two test methods in a test class:

public void testMethod1() {
//Test code

public void testMethod2() {
//Test code

In this case, testMethod1 will be executed before testMethod2 because it has a lower priority value of 1. The default priority value is 0, so if a priority is not explicitly defined, the test method will be executed in the order in which it appears in the test class.

Can you explain the @Test(enabled=false) annotation in TestNG?

The @Test(enabled=false) annotation in TestNG is used to disable a test case. When a test case is marked with this annotation, TestNG will skip running the test method and won’t include it in the final test results.

This annotation is useful when you have a test case that is temporarily broken or not relevant for a specific test run. Instead of deleting the test case completely, you can simply disable it using this annotation.

For example:

public void testCase1() {
// test logic here

By adding the enabled=false attribute to the @Test annotation, TestNG will skip running testCase1 when executing the test suite.

How can you run TestNG tests from the command line?

To run TestNG tests from the command line, you need to follow the following steps:

Go to the project folder where your TestNG test cases are stored.

Open the Command Prompt (on Windows) or Terminal (on Mac or Linux).

Navigate to the folder where the project is stored using the “cd” command.

Run the TestNG tests by executing the following command:

java -cp path/to/testng.jar;path/to/your/project/classes org.testng.TestNG testng.xml

The TestNG tests will start running, and the output will be displayed in the Command Prompt or Terminal window.

Note: Replace the path/to/testng.jar with the location of your TestNG JAR file, and replace path/to/your/project/classes with the location of your project classes.

Can you explain the concept of TestNG groups?

TestNG groups are a way to categorize tests in a test suite. This allows for more fine-grained control over which tests are executed and when. Groups can be defined for individual tests or for entire classes, and can be specified at runtime, giving you the flexibility to run only those tests that you need to run, or to run a specific set of tests in a certain order.


Let’s say you have a suite of tests for a shopping website. You could define several groups, such as:

Functional tests: These tests verify that the basic functionality of the site works correctly.

Performance tests: These tests verify that the site performs well under load.

Regression tests: These tests verify that changes to the site haven’t broken any existing functionality.

You could then run all of your functional tests, just your performance tests, or only the regression tests that you need to run. This is especially useful if you’re running tests on a continuous integration server and you want to run only the tests that are necessary for a particular build.

You can define groups using the @Test annotation, like this:

In the above example, each test is assigned to a specific group. You could then run just the functional tests by specifying the group in your testng.xml file like this:

Can you explain the concept of TestNG test suites?

TestNG is a testing framework for Java that provides annotations and test suites for organizing and executing tests. A test suite is a collection of test cases that are grouped together and executed as a single unit. The main advantage of using test suites is that they allow you to organize your tests into different categories and run them in a specific order.


@Test(groups = { "functional" })
public void testAddToCart() {
// Test adding an item to the cart

@Test(groups = { "performance" })
public void testSitePerformance() {
// Test the performance of the site

@Test(groups = { "regression" })
public void testCheckoutProcess() {
// Test the checkout process

Suppose you have a project with multiple test cases for different classes and functions. You can organize these tests into different test suites based on the functionality they test. For instance, you can create a test suite for all the tests related to the login functionality, another suite for tests related to the payment functionality, and so on.

To create a test suite, you need to create a testng.xml file and specify the test classes that you want to include in the suite. Here is an example of a testng.xml file for a login test suite:

In this example, we have created a suite called “Login Test Suite” and included the LoginTests class in the suite. To execute this suite, you can simply run the testng.xml file using the TestNG runner.

By using test suites, you can keep your tests organized and execute only the relevant tests based on your needs. This helps to save time and makes it easier to maintain and update your tests in the future.

How do you run TestNG tests in parallel?

TestNG allows you to run tests in parallel by specifying the parallel attribute in the testng.xml file.

Here is an example:

Create a sample TestNG test case:

public class SampleTest {
public void testCase1() {
System.out.println("Running test case 1");

public void testCase2() {
System.out.println("Running test case 2");

Create a testng.xml file with parallel attribute set to “methods”:

Run the testng.xml file as a TestNG test. The output will show that the test cases are run in parallel.

Running test case 1
Running test case 2

Note: You can also set the parallel attribute to “tests” to run all tests in the suite in parallel or to “classes” to run all test cases in a class in parallel.

Can you explain the concept of TestNG parameters?

TestNG parameters are values that can be passed to test methods and test classes as input data. This allows us to run tests with different inputs, making it possible to test a single method with multiple data sets. This can be useful when we want to test a method’s behavior under different conditions or with different data.

Here is an example of how TestNG parameters can be used:

First, we declare the parameters in the testng.xml file:

Next, we annotate the test method with the @Parameters annotation, specifying the names of the parameters:

public class ExampleTest {
@Parameters({"username", "password"})
public void testLogin(String username, String password) {
// Code to test login with the provided username and password

When the test is run, the values of the parameters declared in the testng.xml file will be passed to the test method as input data. In this case, the values would be admin for username and password for password.
Note: In addition to parameters declared in the testng.xml file, TestNG also supports parameters that can be passed from the command line using the -D flag.

Can you explain the use of the TestNG XML file?

TestNG XML file is used to configure and execute the tests in the TestNG framework. It is an XML file that is used to specify the test suite and the configuration details for the test execution. It provides a structured way to specify the test cases to be executed, their order, dependencies, and other important details.

The TestNG XML file contains information like test class names, test methods, parameters, configuration details, etc. By using this XML file, we can execute tests in a specific order and also group tests into test suites.


Consider an example where you have two test classes, “TestClass1” and “TestClass2”.

Below is an example of the TestNG XML file that specifies the test suite and test cases to be executed:

In the above example, we have specified two test cases, “TestClass1” and “TestClass2”. Each test case has two test methods, “testMethod1” and “testMethod2” for “TestClass1” and “testMethod3” and “testMethod4” for “TestClass2”.

This XML file can be used to execute these tests in the specified order. When the XML file is executed, it will run the specified test methods in the specified order, providing the results of the test execution.

How does TestNG support parameterized tests?

TestNG supports parameterized tests using the @DataProvider annotation. This annotation allows you to pass parameters to a test method, which will be executed multiple times with different parameters.

Here is an example:

import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class ParameterizedTestExample {

@DataProvider(name = "loginCredentials")
public Object[][] loginData() {
return new Object[][] {
{ "user1", "password1" },
{ "user2", "password2" },
{ "user3", "password3" }

@Test(dataProvider = "loginCredentials")
public void testLogin(String username, String password) {
System.out.println("Testing login with username: " + username + " and password: " + password);
// Add login test implementation here

In this example, the loginData method provides the data for the parameterized test. The @DataProvider annotation specifies the data source for the test method, and the test method testLogin is executed three times with different parameters: user1 and password1, user2 and password2, and user3 and password3. The output will be:

Testing login with username: user1 and password: password1
Testing login with username: user2 and password: password2
Testing login with username: user3 and password: password3

Can you explain the concept of TestNG data providers?

TestNG data providers is a feature in TestNG that allows you to pass multiple sets of data to a single test method. It provides a way to pass data from an external data source (like an excel sheet) or from an external class to a test method.

Here’s an example of how to use TestNG data providers:

First, you need to create a class that will contain the data provider method. This method should return an array of arrays of objects. Each row of the array will contain the data for one set of parameters to be passed to the test method.

public class DataProviderClass {
@DataProvider(name = "data-provider")
public Object[][] dataProviderMethod() {
return new Object[][] {
{1, "John"},
{2, "Jane"},
{3, "Jim"}

Next, you need to create a test class and annotate the test method with @Test and @DataProvider, specifying the name of the data provider.

public class TestClass {
@Test(dataProvider = "data-provider", dataProviderClass = DataProviderClass.class)
public void testMethod(int id, String name) {
System.out.println("ID: " + id + " Name: " + name);

Now, when you run the test class, TestNG will run the test method three times with different sets of data. The output will be:

ID: 1 Name: John
ID: 2 Name: Jane
ID: 3 Name: Jim

In this way, TestNG data providers allow you to reuse a single test method with multiple sets of data, reducing the need to write multiple test methods for different scenarios.

Can you explain the use of the @Test(dependsOnMethods=) annotation in TestNG?

The @Test(dependsOnMethods=) annotation in TestNG is used to specify the order of execution of test methods. It allows one test method to depend on the completion of another test method before it can be executed.

For example, consider two test methods, testMethod1 and testMethod2, and you want testMethod2 to run only after testMethod1 has completed successfully. You can use the @Test(dependsOnMethods=) annotation as follows:

public void testMethod1(){
//Test Method 1 code here

public void testMethod2(){
//Test Method 2 code here

In this example, testMethod2 will run only after testMethod1 has completed successfully. If testMethod1 fails, then testMethod2 will not run. This feature can be useful for testing scenarios where one test method sets up the data for another test method.

Can you explain the use of the @Test(timeOut=) annotation in TestNG?

The @Test(timeOut=) annotation in TestNG is used to set a time limit for the execution of a particular test method. If the test method takes longer than the specified time, the test will fail with a timeout error. This can be useful to detect when a test is taking too long to execute, for example, due to an infinite loop or a deadlock.

For example, consider the following test method:

@Test(timeOut = 5000)
public void testMethod1() {
// test code here

In this example, the test method testMethod1 is given a timeout of 5 seconds (5000 milliseconds). If the test takes longer than 5 seconds to execute, the test will fail with a timeout error.

It is important to note that this feature can be useful for testing performance, but it should not be relied upon to detect all performance problems. It is recommended to use a profiler or other performance testing tools in addition to timeouts.

How can you use the TestNG Reporter class to log test results?

The TestNG Reporter class is used to log test results and report them back to the user. The following is an example of how to use the TestNG Reporter class to log test results.

First, import the TestNG Reporter class:

import org.testng.Reporter;

In your test method, use the Reporter.log() method to log the test results:

public void testExample() {
int a = 10;
int b = 20;
int sum = a + b;
Reporter.log("The sum of " + a + " and " + b + " is: " + sum, true);

Run the test and view the log output in the TestNG report:

[TestNG] The sum of 10 and 20 is: 30

The Reporter.log() method takes two arguments: the message to log, and a boolean value that indicates whether the message should be written to the output log or not. In this example, the true value indicates that the message should be written to the log.

Can you explain the use of the TestNG Assert class?

The TestNG Assert class is a set of assertions provided by TestNG to verify if the actual result matches the expected result in a test case. These assertions help validate the correctness of the code being tested.

For example, consider the following test case:

public class TestNGAssertExample {
public void testAddition() {
int actual = 2 + 2;
int expected = 4;
Assert.assertEquals(actual, expected, "The actual result does not match the expected result");

In this example, the actual result is calculated as 2 + 2, and the expected result is 4. The TestNG Assert.assertEquals method is used to compare the actual result with the expected result. If the actual result matches the expected result, the test case will pass, otherwise, the test case will fail. The third parameter is an optional message that will be displayed if the test case fails.

TestNG Assert Example

TestNG assertions are used to validate the test results in TestNG. They are used to verify whether the actual results match the expected results. If the actual results do not match the expected results, an exception is thrown and the test is marked as failed.

Here is an example of how to use the TestNG assertions in a test case:

import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class TestNGAssertionExample {

public void testStringEquality() {
String actual = "TestNG";
String expected = "TestNG";
Assert.assertEquals(actual, expected, "Strings are not equal");

public void testBooleanExpression() {
boolean condition = true;
Assert.assertTrue(condition, "Boolean expression is false");

public void testNullValue() {
Object object = null;
Assert.assertNull(object, "Object is not null");

public void testNotNullValue() {
Object object = new Object();
Assert.assertNotNull(object, "Object is null");


In this example, we have four test cases, each using a different TestNG assertion. The first test case uses the assertEquals method to verify if the actual and expected strings are equal. If they are not equal, the exception message “Strings are not equal” is displayed.

The second test case uses the assertTrue method to verify if a boolean condition is true. If it is false, the exception message “Boolean expression is false” is displayed.

The third test case uses the assertNull method to verify if an object is null. If it is not null, the exception message “Object is not null” is displayed.

The fourth test case uses the assertNotNull method to verify if an object is not null. If it is null, the exception message “Object is null” is displayed.

How can you use the TestNG test result listeners to generate reports?

TestNG listeners are used to listen to the events during the execution of test cases. There are various built-in listeners in TestNG that can be used to generate reports. Here’s an example of using the TestNG test result listeners to generate reports.

Step 1: Implement the TestNG IReporter interface:

import java.util.List;
import org.testng.IReporter;
import org.testng.ISuite;
import org.testng.xml.XmlSuite;

public class MyReporter implements IReporter {
public void generateReport(List xmlSuites, List suites, String outputDirectory) {
//Generate your report here

Step 2: Add the listener to your testng.xml file:

Step 3: Run your tests and the listener will automatically generate the report.

In this example, the implementation of the generateReport method is left blank, but you can add the code to generate a report using a library such as Apache POI, JasperReports, or generate a simple HTML file using Java IO.

Can you explain the use of the TestNG IRetryAnalyzer interface?

The TestNG IRetryAnalyzer interface allows to configure the number of times a test should be re-run in case it fails. It also provides the logic to determine whether a test should be re-run or not.

Here is an example of using the IRetryAnalyzer interface:

Create a class that implements the IRetryAnalyzer interface:

public class RetryAnalyzer implements IRetryAnalyzer {
int counter = 0;
int retryLimit = 3;

public boolean retry(ITestResult result) {
if(counter < retryLimit) {
return true;
return false;

Annotate the test with @Test and set the retryAnalyzer to the custom class:

@Test(retryAnalyzer = RetryAnalyzer.class)
public void testMethod() {
// test logic

In this example, the RetryAnalyzer class implements the IRetryAnalyzer interface. It has a counter variable to keep track of the number of times a test has been run and a retry limit of 3. The retry method will return true if the test has failed and the counter is less than the retry limit, which will cause TestNG to re-run the test. If the counter has reached the retry limit, the retry method will return false and the test will not be re-run.

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