What Is The Difference Between Test Case And Test Scenario?

What Is The Difference Between Test Case And Test Scenario?
What Is The Difference Between Test Case And Test Scenario

Test case and test scenario are two terms used in software testing. Though they are related to each other, they are not the same. Here are the differences between test case and test scenario:

Test Case:

A test case is a detailed description of a particular test that is to be executed on the software. It outlines the steps, expected results, and actual results. A test case typically contains the following components:

  • Test case ID
  • Test case description
  • Preconditions
  • Test data
  • Steps to execute the test case
  • Expected results
  • Actual results
  • Pass/fail status

Test cases are used to verify the functionality of a specific feature of the software.

Test Scenario:

A test scenario is a collection of related test cases. It is a high-level description of what will be tested. It focuses on a particular aspect of the software, like testing the integration of two systems or testing the functionality of a feature. A test scenario typically contains the following components:

  • Test scenario ID
  • Test scenario description
  • Test cases covered in the scenario
  • Preconditions

Test scenarios are used to ensure that all the requirements of the software are being tested and verified.

In summary, a test case is a specific instance of testing, whereas a test scenario is a higher-level description of what will be tested.

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