Test Cases For Login Page

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Certainly! Here are some specific test cases you can use to test a login page effectively:

  1. Valid Login:

Input a valid username and password.
Expected: The user should be successfully logged in and redirected to the main page/dashboard.

  1. Invalid Login:

Input an invalid username and/or password.
Expected: The user should not be able to log in, and an appropriate error message should be displayed.

  1. Empty Fields:

Leave both username and password fields empty.
Expected: The user should not be able to log in, and specific error messages should indicate the required fields.

  1. Username Case Sensitivity:

Input the username in different cases (e.g., uppercase, lowercase, mixed case).
Expected: The login should be case-insensitive for the username, and the user should be logged in regardless of case.

  1. Password Case Sensitivity:

Input the password in different cases.
Expected: The login should be case-sensitive for the password, and an incorrect case should result in a failed login.

  1. Remember Me:

Check the “Remember Me” option and log in, then close the browser and reopen it.
Expected: The user should be automatically logged in due to the remembered session.

  1. Incorrect Password Attempts:

Attempt to log in with an incorrect password multiple times (based on account lockout policy).
Expected: After exceeding the allowed attempts, the account should be locked, and further login attempts should be denied.

  1. Account Lockout Duration:

Attempt to log in after the account has been locked due to incorrect password attempts.
Expected: The account should remain locked for the specified duration and then become accessible again.

  1. Password Recovery/Forgot Password:

Use the “Forgot Password” functionality to reset the password.
Expected: The user should receive a password reset link/email and be able to set a new password.

  1. Session Timeout:

Log in and wait for the session to expire, then try to access a secured page.
Expected: The user should be redirected to the login page due to session expiration.

  1. Logout:

Log in and then log out.
Expected: The user should be successfully logged out and redirected to the login page.

  1. Concurrent Logins:

Log in with the same account from multiple devices or browsers simultaneously.
Expected: The application should handle concurrent logins properly and maintain session consistency.

  1. Special Characters and XSS:

Input usernames and passwords containing special characters and HTML/JavaScript code.
Expected: The application should handle special characters safely and prevent any possible XSS attacks.

  1. Account Inactivity:

Log in, then wait for an extended period of inactivity, and attempt to perform an action.
Expected: The user should be prompted to log in again due to session timeout.

  1. Browser Compatibility:

Test the login page on various web browsers (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge) and ensure consistent behavior.

  1. Accessibility:

Test the login page using screen readers or accessibility tools to ensure it is usable by people with disabilities.

  1. Localization:

Test the login page with different language settings to ensure it displays correctly in various languages.

  1. Network Errors:

Simulate network errors or interruptions during the login process.
Expected: The application should gracefully handle network errors and provide appropriate error messages.

  1. Brute Force Protection:

Test the application’s response to multiple rapid login attempts.
Expected: The application should detect and prevent brute force attacks by imposing delays or CAPTCHA challenges.

  1. Security Vulnerabilities:

Conduct security testing, including SQL injection, CSRF, and other common vulnerabilities, to ensure the login page is secure.

Remember that these test cases should cover a variety of scenarios and ensure that the login page is secure, user-friendly, and reliable. Adapt these test cases based on your specific application’s requirements and features.

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