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How to Handle Dynamic Web Elements in Selenium: A Guide for Testers


Dynamic web elements are elements that change their properties (like ID, class, or location) every time a webpage loads. These changes can make it challenging to locate these elements in Selenium scripts. In this guide, we’ll explore effective techniques for handling dynamic web elements in Selenium WebDriver.

Why Are Dynamic Web Elements Challenging?

Dynamic web elements are often generated by JavaScript, making it harder for Selenium to locate them consistently. This can cause automated tests to fail if the element locators aren’t carefully crafted.

Techniques for Handling Dynamic Web Elements

XPath with Contains or Starts-With Functions

You can use partial matches to locate elements whose attributes change dynamically. For example, use //*[contains(@id, ‘partialId’)] to find elements with a partially dynamic ID.

CSS Selectors with Regular Expressions

CSS selectors can sometimes work better than XPath, especially when targeting classes or IDs with predictable patterns.

Use Dynamic XPath Axes

Using following-sibling, preceding-sibling, or other axes in XPath helps when an element’s relative position is stable, even if its attributes are not.

Use JavaScriptExecutor

In some cases, JavaScript can be used to retrieve elements directly. JavaScriptExecutor lets you run JavaScript within Selenium, which can be helpful when standard locators are insufficient.

Practical Examples

Example 1: Locating an Element Using Partial ID

WebElement dynamicElement = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[contains(@id, 'dynamicPart')]"));

Example 2: Using JavaScriptExecutor

JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;
WebElement dynamicElement = (WebElement) js.executeScript("return document.querySelector('selector');");

Best Practices

Use Waits (Explicit and Fluent Waits)

Waiting strategies ensure elements are loaded and accessible, reducing flakiness. Use WebDriverWait or FluentWait for elements that might take longer to load.

Avoid Hard-Coded Values

Try not to rely on absolute paths or hard-coded IDs, as these are prone to break with dynamic elements.


Handling dynamic web elements can be a challenging part of Selenium automation, but using smart selectors, XPath functions, JavaScriptExecutor, and appropriate wait strategies can make tests more reliable. Adopting these methods will help maintain robust and stable test scripts.

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